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How to Begin Your Internship with Jesus

Have you ever thought about what it means to truly follow Jesus? Not just attending church, reading a verse here or there, or checking off a list of religious duties—but actually living your life as His apprentice?

That’s what we talked about recently at Hope Church Knox, diving into John 1:35-51. This passage is where some of Jesus’ first followers began their journey with Him. It’s an amazing story full of lessons for us today. So, let’s unpack it in a way that’s simple.

Step 1: Consider the Claims of Jesus

When John the Baptist saw Jesus, he declared, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” That’s a huge statement. John was saying that Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, the One who came to take our place. But Jesus is more than that—He’s also called Rabbi (Teacher), Messiah (Savior), the Son of God, and the King of Israel.

If you’ve never looked into the claims of Jesus, maybe you’re a little like Nathanael, one of the people in this passage. Nathanael was skeptical at first. When Philip told him about Jesus, he famously asked, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

Maybe you’ve asked questions like that too. “Can I really trust Jesus? Is Christianity even true?” Let me encourage you: dig into the Bible and investigate for yourself. If you’re not sure where to start, the Gospel of John is an incredible place to begin.

At Hope Church Knox, we believe it’s okay to have questions and doubts. Jesus doesn’t shy away from skeptics—in fact, He welcomes them. Just like Nathanael, you’re invited to “come and see” for yourself.

Step 2: Begin Following Jesus

Once those first disciples—Andrew and John—heard about Jesus, they didn’t just stand there. They followed Him. And when they did, Jesus asked a deep, probing question: “What are you seeking?”

Let’s pause here. What are you seeking? Fulfillment? Purpose? Hope? Jesus offers all of that and so much more. Following Him means more than tagging along—it means learning His way of life, spending time in His Word, and being transformed by His love.

In one part of the story Andrew immediately went to tell his brother Simon (who later became Peter) about Jesus. Andrew brought Simon to Jesus, and Jesus gave Simon a new name—Peter, which means “rock.” Isn’t that amazing? Jesus was making Peter into someone new! And He does the same for us.

At Hope Church Knox, we love seeing lives transformed by Jesus. Whether you’re just starting your faith journey or you’ve been walking with Him for years, He’s always shaping us into the people He created us to be.

Step 3: Invite Others to Join

Here’s the best part of this story: when you experience Jesus, you can’t help but share Him with others. That’s exactly what happened with Philip. He found Nathanael and invited him to meet Jesus. Even when Nathanael was skeptical, Philip didn’t argue or get discouraged. He simply said, “Come and see.”

What a simple yet powerful invitation.

At Hope Church Knox, we encourage everyone to live on mission. That means praying for your friends, neighbors, and coworkers who don’t know Jesus yet. It means loving them well and inviting them to “come and see” what Jesus is all about.

We’re passionate about helping people connect with Jesus, walk in His ways, and share His hope with the world. That’s why we have connect groups, men’s and women’s discipleship, and opportunities to serve. Everything we do points back to this mission: helping you take the next step in your apprenticeship with Jesus.

So, What’s Your Next Step?

Maybe you’re like Nathanael—curious but cautious. Or maybe you’re ready to dive in like Andrew and bring others to Jesus. Wherever you are, there’s a next step for you at Hope Church Knox.

Here’s what I want you to know: Jesus is inviting you to follow Him. To learn from Him, be transformed by Him, and share His love with others.

If you’re looking for a church family to walk alongside you, we’d love for you to join us at Hope Church Knox. Let’s follow Jesus together, one step at a time.

Ready to start your internship with Jesus? We’re here to help.


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